Extension of date for Online application In place of 28 Feb 2025 up to 1800h read as 10 Mar 2025 1800h. ऑनलाईन अर्जाबाबत मुदतवाढ 28 फेब्रुवारी 2025 संध्याकाळी 06: 00 वाजेपर्यंत ऐवजी 10 मार्च 2025 संध्याकाळी 06:00 वाजेपर्यंत असे वाचावे

Message From the Director

Two Stars on the Shoulders are better and brighter than thousands in the sky

Services Preparatory Institute has been successfully nurturing the future leadership amongst the youth for more than four decades. The number of cadets joining various defence academies every year, substantiates this fact. Since its establishment in 1977, the primary goal of preparing the youth from the state of Maharashtra, for being good military leaders is being incrementally achieved with hardwork and determination of the cadets.

A large population of school children are making conscious efforts to seek admission at SPI, year after year. The SPI fraternity has been toiling day and night to provide an empowered life to these young aspirants and will continue progressively with renewed vigour.

 The motto of SPI resonates the same दृढ प्रयत्नेन सिध्यते’ (Hard Work Prevails).Ceaseless efforts under all circumstances, guide you sucessfully towards your dreams

The methodical training acquired at the institute has helped more than 550 cadets who are now discharaing their duties working as officers in the Indian Armed Forces. Some of them have also won laurels through gallantary awards like Kirti Chakra, Shaurya Chakra and Sena Medal.

My appeal to the young students, their parents and teachers is, be inspired to look at the military leadership as a great way of life than just as a career. And to fulfil the same, the youth of Maharashtra should seize this opportunity of joining SPI. They will, thus, get a chance to contribute to the process of Nation building.

"Jai Hind "

Director, SPI

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